Prepare technical foundation for a bigger repertoire

I am absolutely convinced that for classical singers it’s really important to build up a good foundation of vocal technique, breathing, sound projection, vocal attack, coloratura, phrasing  and many other technical tools. Undoubtedly, one of the best ways to achieve this goal is to practice vocal exercises or so called, vocalises during your singing lessons.  

Work on vocal exercises specially written for classical singers

Here below, I have listed links to the vocal exercises/ vocalises which are most popular and efficient in the world of classical singing. Please have patience and explore them while you are on the path of making your voice better. Some of them are written for low voices, some of them are written for high voices. Some can be applied to any voice.

Take your time

First of all, don’t rush, take step-by-step, make yourself familiar with the melody, find vocal accompaniment online, nowadays it’s so easy, for example, on YouTube. Secondly, Try to listen to other singers who are singing the same piece.

 Finally, I assure you that after singing 4 to 6 exercises, you will start to gain confidence, sensation of security and good sound projection. Additionally, you will start to extend your musical horizons, because , normally, vocalises are written in different tempo, with different vocal range (normally, it’s becoming bigger, once you are progressing)etc.  If you want to make your singing lessons indeed efficient, trust me, vocalises are extremely important.

Franz Abt


Giuseppe Concone

More complicated

Girolamo Crescentini,_Girolamo

Marco Bordogni

Mathilde Marchesi

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